Thursday, August 7, 2008

Creative Signboard for Ladies' Restroom

Creative Signboard for Ladies' Restroom
vertical-ladies-signboard, originally uploaded by alvlim1982.

This photo was taken by a friend of mine during his trip to China. As you can see, it's rather creative, isn't it?

Ah well, I think the person just changed his mind (last minute) on how he wanted the signboard to look like.

The picture is a bit too blur...but the small wordings in the middle actually, was "Men".

p/s.... and Cedric was right, the picture was taken the other way :D and my friend didn't inform me =_= Was too blur not to notice

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Cedric Ang said...

I don't get the pic. But I think it was taken the other way.

Alvin said...

@ Cedric
Hahha, now that you've mentioned was indeed taken the other way. I've asked my friend and he said the actual weird thing was with the small wordings in the middle... it was written there "Men"